Leave overwhelm behind

Kelly Renee' Baker
4 min readJan 18, 2021

It’s time to leave the overwhelm

Distraction and chaos are all around us. Something is always vying for our attention. The cool thing is we actually possess superhuman abilities. Were you aware you had this within you?

You can discover how to embrace this special strength within you. It allows you to focus on what really matters in your life. The reason I know you have this within you is because we are all born with it. It’s called the Reticular Activating System (RAS).

The RAS filter

So what is his RAS thingy? The simple answer is, it’s a network of neurons located in the stem of your brain that helps you not get overloaded. We get overloaded on information, especially in todays society. Your RAS serves as a filter that screens stimuli as it enters your brain. The RAS knows to filter out 99% of the stimuli meaning only one percent is left for you to deal with. That one percent deals only with fear, danger, surprise and change or whatever you tell it to focus on.

You see what you focus on. Can you imagine what would happen without this filter? Our brains would probably implode without the RAS filter.

Many years ago I was introduced to the concept of “what you focus on you get more of,” by Dr. Becky Bailey, the creator of Conscious Discipline. This concept is perfectly in line with the RAS filter. The RAS itself isn’t positive or negative. You have the power to make it what it is. Your RAS filter is your reality.

Who are you?

If you have been living overwhelmed and overloaded it is time for a change. The best part, you don’t have to go anywhere or do anything. All you have to do is use your mind in a different way. Rather than focus on fear and all the other negatives in life, fortify your faith and focus on the positive. Focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want.

This isn’t the law of attraction, this is the law of the human brain. Focus on positives in life you will get more positive. Focus on the negative in life you will see negative. It isn’t hokey it is fact. You get out of life what you put in. You won’t get what you want out of life you will only get WHO you are. Let that sink in a minute.

I share this all the time with teachers I coach in classrooms. Too often teachers know what they don’t want kids to do, but not what they want. By flipping the scenario teachers are looking for good, positive behavior rather than misbehavior so guess what they will begin to see more of?

Would you rather focus on the hurdle or the finish line (which represents the opportunity to win.) The choice is yours: the stumbling block or the winner’s block.

As a man thinks

This works with your spouse or anything in life. Focus on the good in others and you will see more good. This is exactly how God instructs us to live anyway. It says in Proverbs 23:7, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is.” This is the same concept.

Once again faith and science go hand in hand. God equips us with everything we need in life. He leaves it up to us to access it and use it properly.

“You don’t get what you want; you get who you are. And who you are is a direct result of your focus. As the ancient text says, “As you think in your hearts, so you are.” If you want to be different you need to see different. Don’t focus on attracting into your life what you want. Instead, focus on what’s already all around you. Open your mind’s eye, and you’ll see everything you need.” Kary Oberbrunner, author of Unhackable

I am truly passionate about empowering people to discover they are already equipped with everything they need to transform their relationships, businesses, finances and health so they can bee high on life and live as victorious champions for Christ. This means you!

If you are ready and willing I am here to help. Simply email me directly at queenbee@kellyreneebaker.com and we will get you started on your new journey in life.

Bee High on Life and life alone so you can live as a victorious champion for Christ.


Queen Bee at Kelly Renee’ Baker LLC., Transformation and Success Coach, Certified Unhackable Coach, Certified Deeper Path Coach, Founding Partner at John Maxwell Team — Certified Coach, Trainer and Speaker, Author of Defeating Your Greatest Opponent

