Overcome your self-sabotage

Kelly Renee' Baker
3 min readFeb 15, 2021

Not easy to admit to self-sabotage

Self-sabotage can come in a variety of forms. Behavior is said to be self-sabotaging when it creates problems and interferes with long-standing goals.

Looking in the mirror and admitting to self-sabotage is not an easy feat. No one likes to accept, let alone concede they have done something “wrong,” especially if it was truly life-altering.

Sabotaged relationships, careers…

Look at all of the sabotaged relationships, career opportunities and investments we’ve lost because internally we feared the result. Can you admit it? I’ve been there. Things seemed too good to be true, so I started looking for something to be wrong. Sometimes things are too good to be true and it is important to be able to recognize such. However, we often sabotage because we fear success or feel we are unworthy of such a great job or relationship.

Common forms of self-sabotage can be procrastination, self-medication with drugs or alcohol, comfort eating and forms of self-injury, like cutting. Have you done any of these? Some are certainly more extreme than others, but self-sabotaging nonetheless. Some of the acts may seem helpful, at least not hurtful, at the time, but ultimately they all undermine you. Especially when you engage in any one of these repeatedly.

A rude awakening

Often we are self-sabotaging without realizing it, so you may be experiencing a rude awakening at this moment. We can’t change what we aren’t aware of though. At least the new awareness can help stop the sabotage and bring about change.

Simply connecting a behavior to a self-defeating consequence is not guarantee you will stop. It is possible though. You can overcome any form of self-destruction. People do it every day and so can you!

We all get in our way sometimes

It may be time to reconnect with your goals and values. Pray and spend time with God. That is normally my go to. Unfortunately I do still have moments where I turn to people or behaviors that only make things worse.

We all get in our way from time to time. Sadly, some people do it daily. Self-sabotaging behaviors are misguided attempts to rescue ourselves from our own negativity and feelings. Sabotage comes in the form of excuses too. We are full of them. I’ve used so many excuses I wouldn’t know where to begin sharing them.

Like any coach I want my players and tribe members to win! I would never tell you anything to harm you, only to help you. With that said, there may be some initial pain when you first begin your transformation, but it will be worth it because YOU are worth it.

Defeat the lies in your mind. You are worthy of goodness. Takedown your mind, stop self-sabotaging and start believing in you and all the good this world has waiting for you.

I believe in you. I know you can make the changes necessary to live your best life. Visit my website KellyReneeBaker.com today, where you can sign up for emails and discover the many ways I can help you move forward in life.

Bee High on Life and life alone so you can live as victorious champion for Christ.


Queen Bee at Kelly Renee’ Baker, LLC., Transformation and Success Coach; Certified Unhackable Coach; Certified Deeper Path Coach; Founding Partner at the John Maxwell Team — Certified Coach, Trainer and Speaker; Author of, Defeating Your Greatest Opponent

