Release the crippling hold

Kelly Renee' Baker
4 min readFeb 12, 2021


Fear and negativity can cripple you

Fear and negativity can cripple you if you allow it. So stop! No more allowing those thoughts to knock you over like dominoes, falling so quickly you get hit before you have the chance to get back up. It is time for you to overcome those crippling thoughts.

I believe in you! I myself have overcome many obstacles in life. I still have much to learn, see and do, but I’ve already come a long way baby! It didn’t happen overnight. It’s been a process. Each day is a new day.

Many people have endured and overcome much greater hardships, obstacles and trials than I have, or likely ever will. I applaud you for any circumstance you’ve been able to overcome in life.


Overcoming can be tough, but all your experiences together help make up who you are today.

If you’ve ever wrestled with anything, not necessarily physical, but mental, emotional or spiritual, you know it isn’t always easy to win. You must be determined to come out on top.

To win this match you must tell yourself you can do this! Negative thoughts and fear will keep you defeated so you must crush those thoughts from the get go.

When you’re off balance

We all get off balance at times. This comes about for a variety of reasons. Maybe you are off balance because you have allowed people, things, or circumstances to gain control over your time, energy, emotions, resources or overall well-being.

When this happens you need to take a break, and escape from that which has a hold on you. Remove yourself from whatever has you off balance. So, what do you do when you realize the one person you need a break from is you?

That’s the funny thing about life. The ONLY person you can never escape is self. Wherever you go, there you are. Every turn you make, every mirror you gaze into, there you are. This is why it is so important for you to know who you are up against and what has you off balance.

One thing that is for certain, so far God has gotten you through one hundred percent of the challenges and circumstances in your life thus far. If He hadn’t gotten you through it you wouldn’t be reading this.

Whatever you are dealing with now is temporary. It will pass. That doesn’t mean it isn’t important or should be ignored. We can learn from anything that comes our way in life.

The real battle

There are times I have felt that I was being steamrolled by life. In looking back I realized my greatest trials were ones that came from within. The biggest battles have been in my own mind. My greatest opponent resides within.

That is the real battle, to defeat my own mind. It isn’t about what is happening to you, but rather how your mind is processing the information, if you chose to react or respond to the stimulus. It really does make a difference.

I was beating myself up day in and day out, not even realizing it. Have you been doing this too? Often the fear, negativity and other crippling thoughts originate in your mind and not externally.

Being negative and afraid gets you no where. You give your power away when you give into these evil tendencies. Cast your cares on God. Let God do what only He can do and you do what you can do.

Stop wasting your time and energy when God can help you! I can also help you. Not that I am God or remotely close! lol. I’ve been down some tough roads in life and overcame them. Now, I am passionate about helping you overcome your battles. Visit my website today and sign up for our emails. You will be the first with access to freebies, offers and much, much more. I look forward to you joining us!

