The struggle is the way, connect the dots

Kelly Renee' Baker
5 min readJan 23, 2021

The struggle is real

I’ve talked a lot about struggle lately. We all have struggle at times in life. Some more than others. Struggle is real, but so is the benefit you can get from the struggle. Often when we are in the midst of struggle we question, “Why?” “Why me? Why now? Why this?” It’s natural to question. However, focusing on the why will only hack you, your life and your dreams.

Instead, remember that you can use that real struggle to engage in flow. The struggle is the way. There are four stages to flow and it must begin with a struggle. Stress is like the pre-loading phase required to get into flow. There are stakes to not following through with your dream in life. You need to experience stress and engage your Beta Brain waves, so you are motivated toward success. High achievers are the ones who use stress to their benefit.

Where your focus goes…

There are several sayings about focus that I believe in whole heartedly. “Where your focus goes your energy flows.” “What you focus on you get more of.” Focusing on a problem does nothing for you or anyone else, but too often this is what we are honed in on, problems.

Get out of your own way and take your mind of the struggles and circumstances in life. It is time to allow your mind to create a solution in flow. This is the release phase where you allow your subconscious brain, via Alpha waves, take control. You release conscious control so your subconscious RAS filter gets to work creating a solution.

Where the magic happens

You will now be in flow, where Theta and Gamma brain waves do their “magic.” You perform and feel your best when you are in flow. Lateral thinking takes place in flow. As well as, pattern recognition and near-perfect decision making. (Remember nothing is perfect.) The brain is pattern-seeking. When it recognizes a pattern it creates a sense of safety. When you feel safe you are 500% more productive and you could possibly reach a “gamma spike,” which is like an epiphany or “light-bulb” moment.

And finally, the final stage of flow is called Recovery. This stage is a must for flow. It’s like the cool down after a workout or big race. If you don’t treat your body properly now you will pay later. Our brains and bodies were designed to experience recovery. I call this the “Self-care” stage where you focus on you and taking the best possible care of yourself. Proper nutrition, hydration, sleep and sunlight are vital for proper recovery.

Some day you will connect the dots

Take a look at your life. Do you recognize the stages of flow? It is always easier to recognize something looking back rather than forward. Often in my life something would happen and I just couldn’t make sense of it (this was before I knew so much about the brain and flow.) I would spend hours a day trying to figure things out looking forward.

Connecting my dots in life

For instance, about ten years ago I was prophesied over. The man spoke about how I would help women (like me who had suffered and overcome), I would be involved in leadership, I would write books (something I had always wanted to do), I would speak and travel. At the time most of this sounded ludicrous to me. I was shy and introverted, although I had been coming out of my shell a bit more the past several years. I had thought about writing a publishing books since I was about ten years old. I had no idea where to start though. And speaking in front of others and being a leader? It just didn’t make sense to me.

In less than two months after that prophecy I was invited to be a founding partner with the John Maxwell Team. To this day I don’t know how that happened. I say it was an email from heaven. I honestly I have no idea how I happened into that amazing opportunity, other than a divine intervention.

Joining the John Maxwell Team required an in-person certification process which I attended in Florida. I flew alone and went to the conference alone. I didn’t know a single person. Upon leaving that experience I had made friends with some amazing leaders and human beings. I formed bonds, connections and friendships that would last a lifetime. I also had a confidence boost like no other. Through this experience I was also connected with a person who would be my friend, mentor, coach and eventually the publisher of my book.

Now, looking back, I can connect the dots. Just as I can with relationships and other circumstances in life, including instances of flow.

Your turn!

Now, it’s your turn. Look back on your life and determine where you have experienced flow. Struggle, Release, Flow and Recovery. Write to your hearts content about this time without judgement. Let your thoughts flow.

I know this in and of itself could create struggle. That is okay. Use it for good. Flow is for your benefit and the benefit of the world. As always I am here to assist you on this journey. Email me directly at: I will help you in any way I can, whether it is personal help and coaching from me or if I can refer you to someone who is a better fit for you. Either way I am here for you.

Bee High on Life and life alone so you can live as a victorious champion for Christ.


Queen Bee at Kelly Renee’ Baker, LLC., Transformation and Success Coach, Certified Unhackable Coach, Certified Deeper Path Coach, Founding Partner at the John Maxwell Team — Certified Coach, Trainer and Speaker, Author of Defeating Your Greatest Opponent

